Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pony Express District Roundtable
18 September 2008
October Theme: Adventures in Books

'Book about Me' Gathering Activity

The Gathering Activity for tonight's Roundtable was creating a "Book about Me." The instructions and a template for use for your cubs can be found here as a PDF file.

There is one difference between the template here and the one you used at Roundtable: instead of a page for "My Cub Scout Pack and Position," the page is for "My Favorite Movies."

Other Helps

Baloo's Bugle (PDF version) for this month's theme is now available.

This month's Program Helps has not yet been been posted online. :( (Keep It Simple, Make It Fun) is another Cub Scout-related blog with links to lots of helpful information, including this month.

The September 2008 Scouting Magazine online edition is now available, as well.